
Banana Traybake by Emma Paling McGough

Yesterday I took stock of how much flour I seem to have accumulated. Not so much quantity but variety. So after making a 50/50 bread, I baked a banana traybake. I found half a packet of chocolate chips, not enough for a decent cake, so I raided what was in my daughter’s sweet stash and found a Toffee Crisp, a Yorkie bar (practically) cooking chocolate anyway), and a packet of Rolos. And, again, a variety of sugars.

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4, 4, 4, 2 by Emma Paling McGough

The easiest cupcake recipe was given to me by my mum, it’s easy to remember and it’s a good one to have in the memory bank for anyone who likes to bake with kids. If, like me, you always have in the cupboards self-raising flour, caster sugar, butter, and eggs, these cakes can be made within no time of a small person asking ‘can we bake?’.

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